View Expert Freeware

The View Expert Freeware contains the following features:

The View Expert Freeware is installed from the same package as the View Expert program. So it is easy to upgrade it later to the View Expert, if needed. The View Expert runs as View Expert Freeware, if no license is installed.

DOWNLOAD DeskArtes View Expert by clicking the link below.

Size of the download image is 20.2 MB

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Download from Finnish site

README FILE for View Expert  

Installation instructions for View Expert

  1. Copy the self extracting package "dave71.exe" to your hard disk.
  2. Start the installation by double clicking "dave71.exe". Press "Finish" to continue the installation.
  3. Read the copyright text and the license agreement carefully before continuing.
  4. Select the Directory where you want the software to be installed, use "Typical" setup type and accept the default Program Group.
  5. The setup is completed. Select "Launch DeskArtes View Expert" to launch the program, and "Finish" to quit.
  6. To run DeskArtes View Expert later, start the program from the Windows start menu, or from the shortcut on the desktop.


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Contact information

Please send your comments about this software to:

DeskArtes Oy Address: Lämmittäjänkatu 6, FIN-00880 Helsinki Finland

Telephone: +358-207-414-510 Telefax: +358-9-644330

For more information, contact your local DeskArtes Representative, please select Contacts from the main menu.

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